GeoHarbour Middle East

Stone Column

The technique involves of formation of holes using downside poker vibrations of specific dimensions and arrangement in the soft soils and backfilling these with granular material (sand/gravels) particles meeting specifications performance requirements. The strength of these columns construction drives from their confinement from the surrounding soils and densification of these columns achieved due to poker vibrations. The installation of stone columns improves the ultimate bearing ability of soft soil as well as reducing the settlement of soft soilsand provides lateral resistance to horizontal movement.

Geoharbour has a great competency in using this technique worldwide landmark projects, such as Changi International Airport, Singapore

Common uses

  • Soil Stabilization
  • Settlement Control
  • Trenchless Pipeline Installation
  • Embankment and Roadway Construction
  • Mitigation of Liquefaction
  • Reinforcement of Slopes and Retaining Walls
  • Seepage Control


Sand columns are a ground improvement technique used to enhance the properties of weak or compressible soils. The process involves a series of steps, beginning with a site investigation to assess soil conditions and design the columns accordingly. The chosen granular material, typically sand or a sand-gravel mixture, is poured into holes drilled or vibrated into the soil to the desired depth and diameter. Proper compaction of the material within the columns is critical to maximize load-bearing capacity. Quality control measures are implemented throughout the installation process, and post-installation checks are conducted to ensure that the columns meet project specifications. Sand columns are used to stabilize soil, reduce settlement, reinforce foundations, and mitigate slope instability. They are a versatile and effective solution for improving soil properties and ensuring the stability of structures and foundations. Monitoring the performance of sand columns over time is crucial to assess their long-term effectiveness.


  • Soil Stabilization
  • Settlement Control
  • Cost-Effective
  • Quick Installation
  • Environmental Friendly
  • Versatility
  • Customizable Design

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